As a lender, you know that managing your consumer loans can be a struggle. You have to keep track of each individual loan, the payments being made and when each payment is due. This can be time-consuming and frustrating. Luckily, there is software available to help manage your consumer loans for you. The Nortridge Loan System is one such consumer installment software that can help you keep track of all your loans in one place, making it easier to stay on top of things. With this software, your borrowers can rest easy knowing that their loans are being taken care of properly. But what exactly is loan management software for consumer loans and how does it make managing a loan portfolio easier? Let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions regarding consumer installment loans and the software that manages them.
What is a consumer installment loan?
A consumer installment loan is a type of loan that allows the borrower to make payments over time. This type of loan is different from other loans, such as credit cards or payday loans, because it has a fixed interest rate and a set repayment schedule. Typically starting as low as $500, consumer installment loans can be of any size. The borrower will usually make equal monthly payments until the loan is paid off. These loans can be a good option for borrowers who need to finance a large purchase but cannot afford to pay the full amount up front.
What is consumer installment software and how does it work?
Consumer installment software is a type of application that allows borrowers to make monthly payments on their purchases, instead of paying for the full amount upfront. This type of software is typically used by retailers who offer financing options to their customers. The software enables businesses to set up installment plans, track payments, and assess late fees. By using consumer installment software, retailers can lower the risk of default and late payments, while still providing their customers with the flexibility to pay for their purchases over time. Nortridge is the best consumer installment software, offering more customization than any other loan software on the market.
To set up an installment loan, the lender first needs to determine the total cost of the purchase, the length of the repayment period, and the interest rate that will be charged to the borrower. Once these terms have been determined, this information can be entered into the software and a payment schedule can be created. Customers can then make payments according to the schedule that has been set up. If a customer falls behind on payments, the business can assess late fees using the software.
Is Nortridge better than the other loan software on the market?
At Nortridge, we pride ourselves on offering the most customizable and powerful loan servicing software on the market. Our customers tell us that our solution is much more user-friendly and efficient than other packages they have used, and that our pricing can’t be beat, either! Nortridge can be configured to meet your specific needs. Our commitment to customer service and technical support is top-notch. We offer free training to get started, as well as ongoing support to all our customers. We believe that our combination of features, price, and customer service is the best in the industry, and that just might make our solution the best consumer installment software available today.
Contact us today to learn more about how Nortridge can benefit your business.
What types of companies use consumer installment software?
There are a number of different types of companies that offer consumer installment software. For example, there are various banks that specialize in home loans, auto loans and even student loans. These banks typically require that you have good credit in order to qualify for a loan.
Do you need access to special equipment in order to use this software?
You don’t need any special equipment or machines to use Nortridge Loan software – just the computer you are already using. Plus, you can easily access it from your mobile device. You’ll be able to see your loan portfolio and make changes on the go. Not only that, but our cloud-based platform is secure and scalable. You can rest assured that your data is always safe and accessible. With Nortridge, real-time and reliable information is delivered to your desktop at a minimal cost.
We operate a very small lending operation. Can Nortridge help us?
For many businesses, the cost of purchasing and maintaining consumer loan software can be a significant barrier to entry. Fortunately, Nortridge offers an alternative in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS). With SaaS delivery, you can start small and scale up as needed, without having to make a large upfront investment. In addition, by automating your servicing with Nortridge, you’ll free up valuable time that can be reinvested in growing your business. And because our SaaS model keeps your loan servicing costs down, you’ll have more resources available to reinvest in your business. So if you’re looking for a flexible and cost-effective way to service your consumer loans, Nortridge in SaaS delivery mode is definitely worth considering.
Do you provide technical support for your loan servicing software?
Yes, we provide technical support. You can get help online or by using the user’s manual. If you need more help, our knowledgeable technical staff is highly available by email or telephone. Additionally, we frequently use screen sharing software for product demonstrations and technical support presentations. This way, you can get the help you need and see how to use the product at the same time. We want you to be able to use our products with ease, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it.
How quickly can I start using Nortridge once I purchase it?
Once your account has been set up, there are just two things you need to do: configure Nortridge to your unique lending needs, and convert your existing consumer loans (if any) to the Nortridge loan system. The speed at which these tasks are accomplished will depend on the number of users, number of loans and the complexity of the loans that you are managing. But rest assured, our team will be with you every step of the way to make sure that everything is up and running as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Is Nortridge difficult to use for the technically challenged?
At Nortridge, we understand that not everyone is comfortable using new technology. That’s why we’ve designed our loan management software for consumer loans to be as user-friendly as possible. Whether you need a brief overview of the product or a more comprehensive explanation of its features, we have the resources to help you get started. And if you ever need additional assistance, our knowledgeable technical staff is always just a phone call away. For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, we also offer both on-site and off-site training, as well as online training. So whatever your level of experience, we can provide the support you need to get up and running with Nortridge. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you meet your loan servicing needs.